Jane (Alexandra Loreth), a writer and young mother, is prescribed a rest treatment by her physician husband John (Joe Mullins), who takes her to a remote country estate for the summer. She becomes obsessed with the peculiar yellow wallpaper in the bedroom he has chosen for her. In her isolation, she secretly writes about a woman trapped in the wallpaper—that she must free在暴乱之前,聚焦在富人家庭的一场婚礼,豪华的派对,名人宾客,拥有豪华住宅和比家庭人数还要多的佣人。这阶段的故事进展还更为吸引。现实上到了暴乱阶段后,所谓乌托邦式的新秩序不清不楚,变成纯粹的仇富和怨恨。出发点不明,含义不清楚。 黄色壁纸,由秋霞电影网收集来源于腾讯视频、爱奇艺、优酷网、以及m3u8在线资源等,本站除了提供热播的国产电视剧和韩国电视剧之外,还提供高清的电影,全部都免费播放,如果你没有找到想看的影视作品,可以给我们留言,让我们帮您寻找。最后秋霞电影网提醒您:注意保护自己的眼睛,播放黄色壁纸的同时,注意眼睛与手机/电脑的距离,不可离的太近,也不可长时间观看,注意适当的休息。