Quinn, A Painter & Bartender wakes up one morning with a gun in his hand & his girlfriend dead on the floor... He has 2 different choices he can make, each with their own set of consequences... Either call 911 and clean this mess up or don't call anybody and clean it up himself... Only problem is in his state of mind he can't tell which one is right & which is wron大家熟知的题材跟剧情,导演用不一样的陈述方式呈现出孤寂、悲壮的感情。主角结尾密意的旁白和结局让我看完后泪流不止,心情许久不能抑制住的伤感。当我们被整个社会架空格格不入,掉去最亲的家人、爱人最好的兄弟也恨自己,没有了家没有任何归属,这样的存在也只是一副空洞的躯壳毫无意义。! 循迹线索,由秋霞电影网收集来源于腾讯视频、爱奇艺、优酷网、以及m3u8在线资源等,本站除了提供热播的国产电视剧和韩国电视剧之外,还提供高清的电影,全部都免费播放,如果你没有找到想看的影视作品,可以给我们留言,让我们帮您寻找。最后秋霞电影网提醒您:注意保护自己的眼睛,播放循迹线索的同时,注意眼睛与手机/电脑的距离,不可离的太近,也不可长时间观看,注意适当的休息。